Sponsor A Child

Sponsor a Child

Your monthly support of $40 CAD for sponsorship provides the opportunity for your sponsored child to have an education, access to healthcare and experience God's love.
To search for a child, select your criteria below and press the apply button or leave fields for a broader search. Thank you for sponsoring a child!

Hello! My name is Alisha and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my family and help out by making my bed. I am quiet, responsible and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Nason and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 8 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to draw and my favourite subject at school is Natural Science. At home I live with my family and help out by doing chores. I am full of energy, responsible and I like to share.
Dahielin Maciel
Hello! My name is Dahielin and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 6 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Art. At home I live with my parents and brother and help out by cleaning the house. I am quiet, friendly and responsible.
Ismerlin Maria
Hello! My name is Ismerlin and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to ride my bicycle and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my parents and brother and help out by cleaning my room and picking up my toys. I am helpful, quiet and kind.
Ramcelis Alay
Hello! My name is Ramcelis and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play baseball and my favourite subject at school is History. At home I live with my family and help out by sweeping the floor and washing dishes. I am quiet, helpful and kind.
Hello! My name is Daylan and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play with friends and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my mother and help out by washing dishes and doing laundry. I am polite, responsible and kind.
Hello! My name is Edwin and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Art. At home I live with my family and help out by washing dishes. I am friendly, responsible and polite.
Fabianny Arlet
Hello! My name is Fabianny and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play baseball and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my mother and sister and help out by sweeping the floor. I am kind, quiet and responsible.
Juan Dariel
Hello! My name is Juan and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play baseball and my favourite subject at school is Spanish. At home I live with my family and help out by cleaning the house. I am cheerful, friendly and full of energy.
Raybel Ikeny
Hello! My name is Raybel and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 7 years old and attend the Asher Christian School. I love to play baseball and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my family and help out by making my bed and cleaning the house. I am patient, helpful and quiet.


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