Sponsor A Child

Sponsor a Child

Your monthly support of $40 CAD for sponsorship provides the opportunity for your sponsored child to have an education, access to healthcare and experience God's love.
To search for a child, select your criteria below and press the apply button or leave fields for a broader search. Thank you for sponsoring a child!

Domnic Gati
Hello! My name is Domnic and I live in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. I am 3 years old and attend the M.C.O Original Primary School. I love to play soccer with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Reading. At home, I live with my parents and help out by doing household chores. I am talkative, joyful, and friendly
Mathew Godswill
Hello! My name is Mathew and I live in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. I am 5 years old and attend the Kariobangi Outreach Community School. I love to play soccer with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Kiswahili. At home, I live with my parents and help out by washing our dishes. I am talkative, helpful and full of energy.
Hello! My name is Wema and I live In the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. I am 4 years old and attend the Kariobangi Outreach Community School. I love play hide and seek with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Kiswahili. At home, I live with my family and help them by moping the floors.
Fidel Otieno
Hello! My name is Fidel and I live in the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. I am 6 years old and attend the Karlobangi Community Outreach School. I love to play soccer with my friends and my favourite subject at school is English. At home, I live with my parents and help out by doing household chores. I am quiet, friendly and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Henry and I live near Masaka Uganda. I am 7 years old and attend the YAVINS Education Centre. I love to sing and dance and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home, I live with my parents who are famers. I help out by washing dishes, clothes and sweeping. I am joyful, polite and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Vivian and I live near Masaka Uganda. I am 6 years old and attend the YAVINS Education Centre. I love to sing and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home I live with my parents and help out by washing dishes and cooking. I am friendly, joyful and helpful.
Hello! My name is Gloria and I live near Masaka Uganda. I am 10 years old and attend the YAVINS Education Centre. I love to play netball and sing and my favourite subject at school is Math. I live with parents. My Father can’t walk without support as he had a serious accident in 2020. I help out by hauling water and firewood. I am polite, patient and responsible.
Hello! My name is Agnes and I live near Masaka Uganda. I am 7 years old and attend the YAVINS Education Centre. I love to play sports, especially dodgeball and my favourite subject at school is Science. At home I live with my family and help out by washing dishes and sweeping. I am patient, quiet and joyful.
Hello! My name is Aisha and I live near Masaka Uganda. I am 9 years old and attend the YAVINS Education Centre. I love singing and dancing and my favourite subject at school is Science. At home I live with my grandmother and help out with many chores around the house. I am polite, joyful and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Maria and I live near Masaka Uganda. I am 8 years old and attend the YAVINS Education Centre. I love to sing and my favourite subject at school is Math. At home, I live with my parents who are farmers. I help out by preparing food and sweeping. I am quiet, joyful and patient.


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