Sponsor A Child

Sponsor a Child

Your monthly support of $40 CAD for sponsorship provides the opportunity for your sponsored child to have an education, access to healthcare and experience God's love.
To search for a child, select your criteria below and press the apply button or leave fields for a broader search. Thank you for sponsoring a child!

Allan Roberto Abraham
Hello! My name is Allan and I live in the town of Tecpán, in Guatemala. I am 5 years old and attend the Horeb Christian School. I love to play games and my favourite subject at school is Physical Education. At home, I live with my parents and my younger brother and help out by putting toys away.
Yoselin Liliana
Hello! My name is Yoselin and I live in Guatemala, in the city of Chimaltenago. I am 9 years old and attend the Mi Especial Tesoro (My Special Treasure) Christian School. I love to play ball games with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Bible. I hope to become a Doctor in the future. At home I live with my mother, step father and sister and help out by picking up toys.
Hello! My name is Adrian and I live in the Kasubi slum in Kampala, Uganda. I am 14 years old and attend the Uncle Iga Primary School. I love to play soccer with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Bible. At home I live with my parents and siblings and help out by hauling water.
Pablo Juan Alejandro
Hello! My name is Pablo and I live in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. I am 4 years old and attend the Gerizim Christian School. I love ride my bicycle and my favourite subject at school is English. At home I live with my family and help by sweeping. I am full of energy, responsible and kind.
Josué Asael
Hello! My name is Josué and I live in Chimaltenango, Guatemala. I am 7 years old and attend the Gerizim Christian School. I love to play with friends and my favourite subject at school is Art. At home, I live with grandmother and help by cleaning. I am talkative, friendly and helpful.
Hello! My name is Alexander and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 5 years old and attend the Juan Calvino Christian School. I love to play with toy cars and my favourite subject at school is Art. At home I live with my parents and help out by washing the dishes. I am joyful, helpful, and cheerful.
Hello! My name is Luizmeidi and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 5 years old and attend the Juan Calvino Christian School. I love to play with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Spanish. At home I live with my mother and help out by washing the dishes. I am joyful, kind and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Marvelin and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 5 years old and attend the Juan Calvino Christian School. I love to play with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Bible Class. At home I live with my family and help out by sweeping the floor. I am cheerful, responsible and full of energy.
Hello! My name is Esmayli and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 5 years old and attend the Juan Calvino Christian School. I love to play hide & seek with my friends and my favourite subject at school is Spanish. At home I live with my parents and help out by sweeping the floor. I am quiet, friendly and I like to share.
Hello! My name is Daela and I live near Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic. I am 6 years old and attend the Juan Calvino Christian School. I love to play with dolls and my favourite subject at school is Spanish. At home I live with my mother and stepfather and help out by making my bed. I am cheerful, talkative, and I like to share.


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